Haemorrhoids Or Piles are Swollen veins in Anus/Rectum and are more commonly found in Adults.But can be found in children too.
Causes for Haemorrhoids in chidren are-
- Extended toilet Time(> 10 minutes)
- Excessive Pressure to Defecate
- Increase Intake of fast food
- Low Roughage Diet /Fruits/Vegetables
- Less Playing /Physical Activity
- Some Tumours of colon or other Intestinal complications
Symptoms Of Childhood Piles
- Bleeding In Stools
- Spending more times in Toilet.
- Pain/crying while Passing the stools
- Prolabse / Swelling from or around Anus
Treatment of Childhood Piles
Treatment of childhood Piles depends on the cause and exact Diagnosis. A care full History and DRE, (Direct Rectal examination) is helpful in making the Diagnosis as some kids are having Anal Polyps and not Piles.
However Some Common things to Prevent and Treat Piles in children are:
- Keep him/her hydrated
- Physical Activity of child
- Avoid constipation by including vegetables, grain based dishes and fruits in diet.
- Warm Sitz Bath
- Using wet Wipes Instead of Dry Tissue Paper
If you are suffering from Piles, Fissure, or Fistula and want an effective treatment, visit Prakash Health Center. Painless surgery is our priority.
You can call us for more details +919311112293, +91991154 5635