Piles/Hemorrhoids or Bawasir are the different names of the same problem. Piles are engorged blood vessels in Anal area.
Piles are basically swollen veins that occur in the anal region which is also known as hemorrhoids. Nowadays many people are suffering from piles because of their schedule or improper diet. In some cases, piles resolve on their own but if it didn’t resolve in one week then you must consult a doctor. Dr. Amit is one of the best doctors for piles treatment. Visit Prakash Medical Centre for the best piles treatment with an experienced doctor.
These are within the anal canal and internal to the anal orifice. these are bright red or purple in colour, these are usually painless as anal canal.
Situated outside the anal orifice and covered by skin, two varieties may coexist and the condition is called internoexternal haemorrhoids.
when haemorrhoids do not come out from anal canal, bleeding is only symptom.
Haemorrhoids come out only during defecation and is reduced spontaneously after defecation.
Haemorrhoids come out only during defecation and do not return by themselves, but need to be replaced manually and then they stay reduced.
The haemorrhoids that are permanently prolapsed. At this stage great discomfort is complained of with a feeling of heaviness in the rectum.
ONLY WORKS IN 1st DEGREE HAEMORRHOIDS. Some so called doctors advertise.
“BAWASEER EK TEEKE ME JAD SE KHATM” BEWARE OF SUCH ADVERTISEMENT as there is no role injection in any disease other than gd 1 haemorrhoids moreover it may be RISKY if it is not injected properly or given in other diseases like FISSURE or FISTULA.
Rubber Band Ligation - Previously It Was Treatment Of Choice In Small Haemorrhoids Of Gd 1 Or 2, But Now Outdated Because Of Its High Failure Rate.